Recent Mold Remediation Posts

Most common types of mold found in a home

3/13/2024 (Permalink)

Welcome back to SERVPRO®, where we strive to keep you informed and equipped to handle any challenges your home may face. Today, let's delve into the world of mold—the stealthy intruder that can silently wreak havoc on your living space. Understanding the most common types of mold found in a home is the first step towards effective prevention and remediation.

Common mold types

Let’s get started by acquainting ourselves with the most commonly found types of mold. 


  • Often found in carpets, curtains, and upholstery.
  • Thrives in both warm and cool environments.
  • Known for causing respiratory issues in some individuals.


  • Frequently discovered in damp areas such as bathrooms, kitchens, and basements.
  • Recognized for its powdery texture and various color variations.
  • Can produce mycotoxins, posing potential health risks.


  • Flourishes in water-damaged materials like wallpaper, insulation, and carpeting.
  • Recognizable by its blue or green appearance.
  • May cause respiratory issues and allergic reactions.

Stachybotrys (Black Mold)

  • Thrives in high cellulose content materials like drywall and wood.
  • Recognized for its dark green or black color.


  • Commonly found in damp areas, including showers and under sinks.
  • Recognized by its velvety texture and dark green or brown color.
  • Known to trigger allergic reactions and asthma symptoms.

Preventative measures

Now that you're acquainted with some of the most prevalent molds, let's discuss a few preventive measures:

Control Moisture Levels

  • Regularly inspect and address leaks or water damage promptly.
  • Ensure proper ventilation in bathrooms, kitchens, and other susceptible areas.

Monitor Humidity

  • Keep indoor humidity levels between 30-50% to discourage mold growth.
  • Consider using dehumidifiers in damp-prone spaces.

Proper Ventilation

  • Use exhaust fans in bathrooms and kitchens to reduce moisture.
  • Ensure proper ventilation in attics and crawl spaces.

Regular Cleaning

  • Clean and dust your home regularly to prevent mold spores from settling.
  • Pay special attention to areas prone to moisture accumulation.

In case you suspect or discover mold in your home, remember that timely action is crucial. Contacting SERVPRO for professional mold remediation services ensures a thorough and effective solution.

Stay vigilant, stay informed, and let's keep your home mold-free together. For more tips and insights, explore our blog or reach out to your local SERVPRO team. Your home deserves the best care, and we're here to deliver it!

Mold and Home Value: How Infestations Affect Resale

11/2/2023 (Permalink)

Mold growth on a pink wall. Addressing mold and mildew damage promptly is crucial.

When selling a home, many factors come into play that can affect its resale value. One overlooked aspect is the presence of mold infestations. Mold can have a substantial impact on the perceived worth of your property. In this blog, we will explore how mold infestations can affect the resale value of a home, highlighting the importance of addressing mold issues in order to maximize your property's marketability.

Cosmetic Damage and Aesthetics

Mold infestations can cause visible damage to surfaces and materials, leading to unsightly discoloration, staining, and degradation. These cosmetic issues can have a significant negative impact on a home's aesthetic appeal. Potential buyers are often put off by the presence of mold as it implies neglect or poor maintenance. Addressing mold infestations and restoring affected surfaces are crucial steps to restoring the visual appeal of your home and attracting potential buyers.

Structural Integrity and Long-Term Damage

Beyond cosmetic concerns, mold infestations can affect the structural integrity of a home. Mold can eat away at organic materials like wood, compromising the strength and stability of the structure. This hidden damage might not be immediately noticeable but can significantly reduce the value of the property. It is imperative to address mold infestations promptly to mitigate potential long-term damage and convey to potential buyers that your home is structurally sound.

Appraisal and Inspection Implications

During the selling process, home appraisals and inspections play a crucial role in determining a property's value. Mold infestations can influence both of these assessments negatively. Appraisers and inspectors will take notice of mold issues and may devalue the property accordingly. Additionally, lenders may be hesitant to finance a property with known mold problems, further complicating the sale. By proactively addressing mold infestations and providing documentation of remediation efforts, you can enhance the appraisal and inspection process, facilitating a smoother transaction.

Market Perception and Buyer Appeal

The mention of mold infestations can create a negative perception in the real estate market and deter potential buyers. Buyers may associate mold problems with possible hidden issues, leading to skepticism about the overall condition of the property. Consequently, the pool of interested buyers may become significantly smaller, impacting the ability to sell the home quickly and at the desired price. Ensuring a mold-free environment and providing proof of remediation efforts can alleviate buyer concerns, increasing the market appeal of your property.

Mold infestations can have a considerable impact on the resale value of a home, influencing factors like aesthetics, structural integrity, appraisal assessments, and buyer appeal. By addressing mold issues promptly and thoroughly, you can protect the value of your property, maximize its marketability, and facilitate a successful sale in the real estate market.